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Social Media Honeymoon Hiatus

A beautiful wedding dress at the beach

Do you reach out for your phone first thing in the morning and check your notifications? Are you more concerned about taking the perfect Insta worthy photo during your vacation rather than enjoying the moment? Do you find yourself hooked amidst social media arguments between complete strangers that shouldn’t concern you? Are you constantly judging and comparing your life to that of social media influencers? Isn’t it hilarious how much mental energy we devote to our phones instead of living our life candidly?

The biggest food for thought in current times- Is social media harmless fun like it used to be in its inception? It is terrifying how social media has taken over our daily lives, and right now it influences everything from sports to elections. Without vehemently throwing away all the good sides of social media, it is important for us to draw the line on how much influence social media should have in our lives. With the onset of realization that ‘social media is not real life’, more and more people are constantly reducing their social media use, where some people went completely cold turkey, others are making better decisions in social media usage.

Do you remember the time you couldn’t wait to get married and start spending time with the love of your life? Remember how you used to blush while browsing through home date ideas for Valentine’s Day? Now that you are married to your soulmate and all the madness of your wedding day is behind you, and the dream honeymoon awaits you, do not let social media ruin this amazing once-in-a-lifetime event. Right from the time, you said the big ‘yes’ and arranged for a truly incredible engagement party, to the time you had an amazing send-off after a grand reception, it is time for you to slow down and unwind and enjoy this time with your soulmate and reconnect with your new life. Amidst this social media can be a big distraction, and there are so many reasons why you should just unplug, live the moment, and create some of the best moments of the beginning of your new life. Unplugging from social media during your honeymoon is the best way to show how the only person in the world who matters to you right now is standing right in front of you. It is the best way to pull away from all the distractions and focusing on your partner and the new life that awaits you.

Here are some reasons why you should go on social media detox during your honeymoon:

To strengthening brand new relationships

Nothing can hurt the eye more than a couple with the just-married tag glued to the phones during their honeymoon. It has been observed during a study that every time you look down at your phone, you are unintentionally bidding your partner for your attention, which can be really sad and dangerous for newly married couples. Just as sad as it sounds this is the bitter reality of the current generation. Your better half should not make attempts to get your attention, but he or she should get it candidly during your honeymoon. This is the secret weapon of strengthening your new relationship as a newlywed couple. Connect with your better half and be available for them without getting distracted by your social media life that can wait. In the hindsight, you have to recognize these gestures and respond equally to find your love language and cement a strong foundation that can last you this lifetime.

To setting examples 

Your shots of Tequila during the golden hour at a beach sundowner party or snaps from your morning hike to the mountain top that looks perfect for Instagram stories, or a quick tweet about how much you love coffee from cafeterias of historical places, sounds like irresistible temptations during your honeymoon. While you might be a social media buff in general, where you share every detail of your daily life on social media as part of your regular routine, your honeymoon should be the time to snooze this habit for a while and connect with your love. This is the time for you two to connect without any distraction from unending sprees of notifications and pop-ups. If you are worried about leaving your followers hanging for your honeymoon details, you can give them a quick heads up before you log off and go entirely radio silent. If you really want to share then you can do it while going back from your honeymoon. This means that now is not the time to email your honeymoon photos to your gang of BFFs or quickly checking your DMs. These heads-up messages are sensible and encourage more newly married couples to do the same things in their honeymoons. A quick piece of advice would be to carry a camera instead of your smartphone to capture all the beautiful memories from your dream honeymoon.

To making better memories 

It is not just about the beautiful places, the dreamy sunsets, the crystal blue lagoons, the panoramic mountain views, or the timeless historic excursions, it is about both of you making memories together that will go down as one of the best memories that you will ever create in history. Your dream honeymoon marks the beginning of your marriage, and it definitely cannot be measured by the number of likes or retweets you get. It is all about bonding with your partner to start off on a really good foot and focus on things that are meaningful and important to you. The world can wait, your families can wait, your gangs of best friends can wait, everyone can wait, but now is the time to create special stories to tell your kids rather than being concerned about how many likes you got. You would not want to tell your grandkids that you took amazing photographs by the poolside and got 400 likes. Now is the time to create stories that will be passed down the generations, because, in the end, it’s the memory and experience that sticks to you, and it better be good.

To improving your overall mood 

Studies have revealed how spending time on social media can higher the chances of developing depression as people who are constantly on social media end up comparing themselves to the lives of everyone they know or follow. It is natural to feel overwhelmed by the high lives of social media influencers who are constantly posting about their perfect lives and how everything feels incredibly absolute. But the real lives of social media influencers are far from the projected reality. Every social media icon or influencer is after all a human being, who goes through the same emotions and experiences that a normal human being does- heartbreaks, rejections, hopelessness, failures, and frustrations. But those emotional turmoils do not make it to the social media platforms and we only see what they want us to see. So to improve your overall mood and enjoy yourself to the fullest during your honeymoon, it is the perfect time to take a social media detox and break the social comparison cycle for your own well-being. Your honeymoon is the best time to break away from this unhealthy cycle of constant comparison so that you can reconnect with the most awesome presence of your life- your soulmate.

To create a perfect work-life balance 

Even if you are the CEO of a company and the entire business depends on your administration, you still need a break from the daily humdrum to reconnect with some of the most important things in your life. There is nothing impressive about a boss who goes on a vacation marks a mass email to the employees about “how important it is to have fun!” right before scuba diving and swimming with the sharks. It is professionally admirable and sets a benchmark for everyone who looks up to you when you know how to have fun without worrying about work. The real concept of work-life balance is all about someone who works hard, achieves professional milestones, and indulges in actual vacations. Your ability to disconnect with the rest of the world during the honeymoon will send a social signal to your friends and family that you will disconnect to focus on yourself and your love. Your social expectations to be available everywhere will be dropped during this period, and perhaps it can inspire someone to finally do the same.

To cherishing the art of privacy 

Social media is an absolutely convenient way to keep in touch with your close ones and share photos, but it also requires you to give up a lot of your privacy. It can be said that we broke up with privacy the moment we signed up for Facebook! Whether you are traversing through the canals in a Gondola ride in Venice or hiking in the mountains of Machu Picchu or hopping through the cherry blossom tree lanes in Japan with your sweetheart, your honeymoon can be a great time to revisit the art of privacy and cherishing travel moments without seeking social acknowledgments. Once you accept that life has no filter and the most valuable experiences are the ones that can’t be conveyed on Instagram, that’s the moment you’ll stop comparing your life to others and realize your vacation with the love of your life is the only one worthy of travel envy.

To conquer the fear of missing out 

It’s so easy to get caught up in the lives, feeds, and social media existence of others that you often overlook the beauty of your own present moment. Many pieces of research show that social media can be as addictive as drugs and when you stop using social media for the first time in a long while you can expect to feel withdrawal symptoms as well. This happens due to the inculcated fear of missing out also known as FOMO. Remember this on your honeymoon, that there are so many people who would want to be where you are right now, and it is important to appreciate the present rather than living for the future or being stuck in the past. You can use the 15-minute rule if going cold turkey isn’t your option, where you can indulge in one short fix in the a.m. and again in the p.m.- not more, not less. After that visit is over, do not look at social media for the rest of the day.

While some of the best Instagram wedding accounts are perfect for gathering the ideas and inspirations you need to host your dream wedding, you should focus on the perfect beginning of this brand new life now that your wedding is over. We all understand how you would want your wedding to stand out on social media as an inspiration to many, you can always come back to uploading all your pictures after you come back from the big honeymoon and start afresh. While social media has its own upsides- from giving us some of the trendiest wedding updates to enabling us in planning a wedding through Instagram, just remember that social media detox during honeymoons is the perfect example of living life at the moment!

Turning off all your email, phone, and social media notifications during your honeymoon can have deeper and long-term benefits than you think. While investing in your wedding videographer resulted in some of the most incredible wedding photos that showcased your happiness in being together with each other, your honeymoon is the period you really have to live the life that was showcased in the photos. Since your honeymoon is the best opportunity to spend quality time together with each other without any disturbances, we would love to suggest to you one thing that you can forget while packing your bags- your phone charger. Remember the time you Googled “how to spread and enhance love after you said ‘yes’“? It is finally the time to honor that time after your wedding is over. Take the right step to your new beginning and go for a social media detox that will keep you away from the rest of the world, but connected to the person who matters the most.

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